Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day with WMPG

The fog finally cleared and the sun burst through just before noon so I grabbed my portable radio and a bottle of beer and headed for the pool deck.  Really, I can't imagine a more perfect way to spend a lazy afternoon on the traditional last day of the Summer season.

Amy Goodman came on at noon with an hour long interview with Congressman John Lewis, a pioneer in the Civil Rights movement.  The discussion contrasted current attempts to limit voting rights with the sacrifice made by civil rights activists to increase voter eligibility in the '60s.  It was a moving and insightful program that  put the current discussion of proposed legislation to prevent perceived "voter fraud" in a proper historical perspective.  I hope you will find it and listen to it.

Jeff Wax did an admirable job of filling in for the regular show that follows Amy Goodman by playing and discussing a selection of early rock and roll from the '50s.  What I loved about the show was his narrative about the history of the selections he played, and I called him to tell him so.  Late in the show he played a song from 1954 that was one of my earliest recollections of music from the era ( I was 8 years old) - it's still a great song today, so here it is for you to enjoy, too:

Jeff's show was followed by Ben, who has a regular Monday afternoon show  featuring hip-hop, of which I am not generally a fan.  But maybe because of the spectacular weather, or possibly the beer, I really got into his music this afternoon.  One song in particular caught my attention: HWA, I Aint' no Lady - listen carefully to the lyrics and you'll see why:

Ben's Hip-Hop was followed by Suzanne's regular Monday edition of Evenin' Sun, which she calls Red Hot and Blues.  She did a smoking hot set of blues featuring a Labor Day theme involving work, jobs and money, including this timely entry:

Can you think of a better way to spend a sunny Labor Day afternoon?

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